Matty and I went on or surf trip this past weekend. We got picked up on Friday evening and rolled into surf camp around midnight where we spent the night for an early rise and our first surf lesson. Below is the outside of the cabin we slept in (similar to what I would call a hunting camp) with nothing but a room full of bunk beds a loft and a couple of bathrooms.
The view from our cabin back to the main building where they have somewhat of a dining hall/bar. Again I would say it's very similar to a hunting camp back at home. All the land surrounding the camp is farm land, both old and some still being used.
We got up for an 8a.m. breakfast and about an hour ride out to our first surf spot. We didn't party too hard on Friday night so it wasn't that bad but Sunday would be a whole different story.
The fist day was also extremely rainy and cloudy the whole time, I was actually even pretty cold for the first time since I've got here but they have you always surf in wetsuits to actually usually protect you from the sun. Apparently even though everyone who comes to Australia worries about sharks, crocodiles, spiders and jellyfish and any of the hundreds of dangerous animals, the sun is actually the number one killer. Because the ozone has been depleted so much over Australia the sun is actually far more severe and it's no joke how you can actually feel the sun burning you if you don't make sure to put on sun block all day.
So we finally arrived at our fist surf spot. It was called Crowdy Bay and according to the instructors it was perfect conditions to learn to surf. It was actually pretty funny because before any of us got out on the water you could tell we all thought the waves looked kind of pathetic and there was going to be no way we could surf on those tiny waves.