Tuesday 15 March 2011

The new home and just where I live around Coogee

So here's my first official post everybody. Some of the pictures you may have already seen me post up on facebook but from now on I'll be doing all my updating of my time in Sydney on here. I've got a whole lot more that I'm just organizing and getting into albums of other places I've been and things I've seen and they'll be up as soon as I figure all this out.

For starters though, this is where I'm living. From my apartment to the beach down the street, the cafes and shops and the awesome gym next door I get to try and keep myself in shape at. I know I've said it 1000 times but the weather has been nothing short of amazing here. With the occasional cloudy sky and rain drop or two, it is literally gorgeous 98% of the time. The people don't fall anywhere short of beautiful either . Way less fat people than in the states and I even every mother that pushes their babies up and down the beach in strollers is a bombshell. Granted I'm convinced it's because the food is too expensive to eat down here so they aren't given a choice, but non the less the people are beautiful and on top of that extremely friendly.

There are 4 of us that live in my apartment, Paul, Dan, Matty and I, all from the States, and within our whole complex is nothing but old people. Not good for hanging out and drinking goon (what they call their cheap wine here), but for the most part really nice people. Just don't let Ron (the 90 year old tenant above us) catch you for an afternoon conversation in passing on the street, nicest person in the world, but literally will talk to you until the sun comes up. Anyway that's enough of my babbling for now and I hope you enjoy the pictures and following my time in aussie land.

Dan admiring our freshly cleaned (courtesy of Matt), innovative coffee table
The Room
Bathroom, watch out for the shower
it either burns you, or freezes you out

The sports field out our front window. Rugby has yet to start but we couldn't figure out cricket for the life of us.

The past 4 are of our roof, this is where we get to hang our laundry (which sucks but the view makes it easier) and where we like to hang out and drink some goon. The neighbors aren't fans of that though...
This is a little water hole off to the side of the beach. It sort of blocks off some of the waves with the surrounding rocks and you'll find a lot of people swimming in it during high tide. I'll have pictures later of me jumping into it off the cliff that overlooks it.

The bus stop down the street
Alfreda Street, just tell everyone you live on the street with the McDonalds, or Maccas when you're talking to a local
Hard to tell but this street is loaded with little cafes and shops. Pretty much
an endless amount of good places to eat but there for the most part expensive
so it's really a treat when we actually go out.
The infamous Garlos serving up meat pies all day and most importantly late
into the night when you get the munchies from being over hydrated
The nicest gym I've ever been to. Only a few houses down.

The best part, the huge windows that let in the ocean breeze the whole time
you're there. It's a bit counter effective though because it usually just makes
me want to go to the beach

Thats all for now. My first go was a little hectic but I started figuring it out by the end and will have the next few a little better organized. Hope you liked it and keep checking it out for my life down under.


  1. Wow, MJ! Thanks for sharing all these great pictures. :)
    megan p

  2. Looks amazing! Love the blog too btw!!!

  3. Michael this is awesome, it makes me feel more
    connected to your day to day adventures
    Miss you lots! Love Mom
