Sunday 17 April 2011

Free Cone Day!!

I've missed a few things everybody so I'm going to try and catch up. A couple of quick ones first but by no means does that mean they weren't awesome. As you can guess by this blog's title this was Free Cone Day at Ben and Jerry's. Wasn't expecting this to happen at all so when I stumbled across it on the internet that they did Free Cone Day here I had to go to get a little taste of home. And when I say stumbled upon I mean it literally. For all my followers that don't use the internet that often and sometimes wish they could find awesome things online but don't know where to start... Check it out, could be life changing.

Anyway so here's us coming up to the Broadway Centere that had the always delicious and even more so when it's free Ben and Jerry's inside.

Almost there and it was no surprise to see a lot of happy people coming out.

There wasn't a crazy amount of people there and they had about 10 people working behind the counter so line was moving. Much faster than I ever remember when it was going on in Montpelier anyway. I don't think the aussies fully appreciate how great Ben and Jerry's is yet.

Cherry Garcia!! The best Ice cream they make. Unfortunately there weren't any cones by the time we were there but we got to go through the line 3 times.

Just had to show everyone an example of what I mean when I say that everything is expensive. Absolutely no joke. Granted they do have cheaper ice cream than Ben and Jerry's but come on... $15 for a hand packed pint. 

Overall it was just a great trip to get a little taste of home. It actually tasted the same as home too. A lot of food doesn't. Ketchup for one is just not done right down here. Made me miss you all a little more but any chance I get to brag about something significant Vermont has done I'm taking it. And you can imagine it's not hard to convince college kids to get something for free around here. 

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