Wednesday 15 June 2011

Favorite Pubs in Sydney

Hey everybody! So I know it's been a long time since I last blogged, but with only one exam to go and a lot of free time I've got a few more things to tell you all about (who needs studying...). I haven't been up to as many exciting things since 1 fish 2 fish, but there's been a couple things going on in Sydney, I visited Melbourne (a city along the southern coast) and just got back from Thailand, so you'll get to catch a glimpse of all those in the posts to come. It's bitterly sweet my last week here in Australia and it didn't feel right leaving anything out. I hope everyone has enjoyed following my story of living here in Australia and I'll start off with one my last few blogs being about my two favorite Pubs in Sydney (I mean who doesn't like a good beer).

 This first place is called Lord Nelson's. It's a BrewPub so you can actually see the brewing in action through glass windows in the back of the bar. They always keep 6 of their craft brews on tap and rotate them through as new batches become ready.
 This was the first beer we started out with as it's kind of their go-to easy drinker. 
 It was of course delicious and I could have been happy with this same beer all night, but with 6 different brews on tap it wouldn't have been right not to try them. I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the place, it was extremely laid back and just full of people who got off work and want to relax and have a beer. Considering a lot of Sydney is fairly "high-class" and all suits and ties, this was a nice change of scenery.
 Nelson's Blood was the next brew I had to go for. Porters may be my favorite style of beer and with a name like that, I think any man would have to give it a shot.
 And here she is. Literally tasted exactly like it's description and I absolutely loved it, perhaps even my favorite beer in Australia. I loved the coffee flavoring and roastyness it gave off. Will definitely be trying to imitate this beer when I start home brewing this summer. 
 And this is Harts Pub. My absolute number one for Pubs in Australia. Both of these Pubs I'm talking about were located in the suburb called the Rocks in Sydney and the whole area has the same atmosphere of laid back pub crawlers. Easily my favorite place in Sydney.
And here is one of the first beers I tried there. Another catchy name, and it was delicious. I definitely want to try and imitate this beer as well because they even name the hops for me on the description. I hope I can at least get close...
These are all Gold Diggers, but I've actually tried a lot more styles by now at Hart's Pub I just don't have the pictures to show for it. They wouldn't be considered a BrewPub here because they don't brew on the premises or anything, but they do get the majority of their beer from one company called Rocks Brewing Co. that I believe they're partners with. They actually get a few beers from other craft brewers all around Australia as well so it's pretty neat to try a variety. At Hart's Pub they always keep 12 beers on tap with a fairly frequent rotation as well so you can never be shorted with options.
And here's my favorite porter to date from Hart's Pub. A very similar drink to the Nelson's Blood, but I think a little less coffee flavored and a bit more of the rum (even though a couple of my roommates disagree)...
 It just looks beautiful doesn't it? The vibe at Hart's is even more chilled out and people just coming for a good time, great beer and great food. With a 5-7 happy hour and half off pints, it's a pretty good bet where you  might find me if you came looking in Australia. We even stayed for Trivia night on a Tuesday once and scored ourselves a few pity pints as it was clear we were lacking some Aussie knowledge being the only 3 Americans competing haha. 
And this, being one of my new favorite quotes, is another reason why I fell in love with this place. All the walls are covered with quotes like these from famous people throughout history who just have a love for beer. The place just seems to do everything right, and it will certainly be where I spend a couple of my remaining nights in Sydney before I head back to my home sweet home in VT.

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